The Circus Studio of Rotterdam

Tall Tales Studio – The Circusstudio Rotterdam is the only circus incubator in the Netherlands with an open training room for professionals and weekly classes for adult recreational circus practitioners of all levels. The circus hub of Rotterdam!

The studio is fully equipped for practicing circus with rigging points, a longe and crash mats.

Lesson schedule

Lesson schedule

As Vice Mayor, I can certainly express my pride for your profession, for the position of Circus Studio Rotterdam as the only circus breeding ground in The Netherlands and for this beautiful new building.”

Said Kasmi – Vice Mayor Culture, Rotterdam


Start new classes from September 2

New courses for adults start in Tall Tales Studio on September 2

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Wanted: marketer without fear of heights

Marketing & communications vacancy 20-24 hours per week

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Collaboration with Bachfestival and B'Rock Orchestra

Tall Tales will be in residence at the Bach Festival and will open the festival on Friday, June 21, together with B'Rock Orchestra & Vocal Consort from Flanders.

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