Your studio
Tall Tales Studio is not only the home base of Tall Tales, but also the circus studio in the Netherlands where professional artists can train daily. In addition, weekly lessons are given for both recreationists and professionals. A lively circus hub in Rotterdam!
The studio was founded in 2017 by the Rotterdam circus company Tall Tales Company, of artistic directors Harm van der Laan and Maartje Bonarius. It grew into a true circus breeding ground with an open training room for professionals. As a professional athlete you can train every day, and as a recreational athlete you can train on Tuesday evenings and Sundays. A volunteer will be present to assist with rigging. The studio is fully equipped for practicing circus: air positions, a lunge and crash mats.
In addition to the circus community, Rotterdammers who practice circus can also use the studio. Lessons are given to adults and children (in collaboration with Rotjeknor) and masterclasses are organized a few times a year.
Become a member of the Tall Tales Studio in De Kroon in Delfshaven and meet the circus community!
As Vice Mayor, I can certainly express my pride for your profession, for the position of Circus Studio Rotterdam as the only circus breeding ground in The Netherlands and for this beautiful new building.
Said Kasmi – Vice Mayor Culture, Rotterdam