Start new classes from September 2
New courses for adults start in Tall Tales Studio on September 2
Tall Tales Studio, home of circus
The Studio in De Kroon gets a new name: Tall Tales Studio, home of circus.
Maartje Bonarius: “Circus is still my language”
"My body is still the easiest way to communicate, circus is my language," writes Maartje Bonarius of Tall Tales Company
Tall Tales on TV!
This summer we made our debut on national television, thanks to the Norma Fund.
Premiere On the Move
The new production of Tall Tales Company will premiere in a few days at the Circusstad festival!A handstand artist and a b-boy enter into an acrobatic dialogue.
Five-year anniversary Circus Studio Rotterdam
Five years ago we started our studio in Rotterdam, to give Dutch circus artists a home. It is still the only place of its kind.
Opening new studio!
It was fantastic! On May 28, Vice Mayor and Councilor of Culture Said Kasmi officially opened our new studio.