One of these Days (2018)

A strong madam, three circus artists and a hundred juggling balls, those are the basic ingredients of One of these days.
How do you organize your life? Do you opt for peace and regularity, or do you see life more as a competition, a way to the top? Will you take your friends along on your path to success, or will you take a shortcut and leave them behind?

In One of these days the performers test their own endurance and that of each other. They trump each other, impress and involve the audience in their performance, because no one wants to be left empty-handed.
Partner acrobatics, dance and juggling are mixed into a surprising and dazzling choreography.
A funky show, full of energy, on a soundtrack by artists such as Pink Floyd, Tom Waits and Jimi Hendrix.

View the tour schedule

A funky show, full of energy, on a soundtrack by artists such as Pink Floyd, Tom Waits and Jimi Hendrix.


There are currently no performances of One of these days scheduled.

For professionals

HH productions

In co-production with:
Circus City and Korzo Theater

Financially supported by:
Municipality of Rotterdam, Volkskracht Foundation, Elise Mathilde Fund, Erasmus Foundation



Harm van der Laan, Maartje Bonarius, Joris de Jong and Hannah Lennox

Guest Player:
Jacob Lohmann

Thomas Falcon

Luc van Esch

Jasper Boeke

Yolanda Lanslots

HH productions

In co-production with:
Circus City and Korzo Theater

Financially supported by:
Municipality of Rotterdam, Volkskracht Foundation, Elise Mathilde Fund, Erasmus Foundation